Autumn 2020

Autumn Catch up

Hello Everyone,

I hope you and your loved ones are all well these past few weeks and that you are managing life under lockdown once again. It can be very frustrating, but with the numbers rising, it is the safest place to be at the present time.  
As you will be aware, sadly we have had to postpone our opening until the New Year. We hope that by then, the infection rates will have reduced and the restrictions of lockdown will be lifted. The team and myself are all excited and looking forward to welcoming you back in person.

A huge thank you to all for kindly taking part in the health screening process. It will help staff to identify any issues that may stop you from exercising safely so that these can be addressed before you return to the group. If in the meantime anything changes regarding your health or physical fitness, and you think it may impact on your ability to exercise, please get in touch. It will help us keep your information up to date. You can do this by leaving a message on our answer phone (01908) 632999, or by emailing whereby you will be contacted by a Health Professional or Exercise Instructor.   


As you are aware, the virus has been very unpredictable and as such guidance can change at short notice. Please visit the website for latest guidance concerning the pandemic.  

The British Heart Foundation regularly updates its information for those with cardiovascular disease in light of COVID-19, and I would strongly recommend that you take a look. Likewise, for those of you with respiratory conditions, the British Lung Foundation regularly updates its website. The information circulating in the media can be very confusing, and the BHF/BLF do an extremely good job at keeping things simple.  


Please remember to visit our own MKCCG website and Facebook periodically, where we hope to keep you informed with helpful information and well-being tips. If as yet you haven’t browsed through the Exercise content, why not take a look, particularly as the winter nights are drawing in. You may feel tempted to try one or two of the routines in the comfort of your own home! You will also find links to helpful information on using information technology to stay socially connected. Most of us are now used to ordering shopping online or having a video chat on our phone. The U3A and Age UK has some very helpful guides regarding getting started with various devices and social media platforms.  


That's about all for now, so in the meantime keep safe and stay well. Wrap up warm as you enjoy the Autumn sunshine and remember to wear reflective clothing as the nights draw in when outside exercising.  


Stay Safe and Keep well 

Kindest Regards 



H. Hilmy 

Manager MKCCG

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