
Home Exercise Programme


Hi everyone we hope you are well and taking care of yourselves, eating well (including a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables) and staying hydrated with water.
We are missing each and every one of you. So much that we have created a home exercise programme to help keep you focused on your daily activity and weekly fitness with specific exercises relating to the sessions you would normally attend. 
Each exercise sheet will give advice on the appropriate session it is intended for and it is important that you use the correct exercises and not follow a sheet that is for a different session to yours. If you need any further advice please contact us using the details in the following pages. 
Play some music to help keep you motivated, Keep Smiling, Stay Safe and we will speak to you soon.  With best wishes from the Team.
Remember to use your rate of perceived exertion chart (click to Download for Maintenance or Download for LTC) to monitor how you are feeling so that you do not over-exert yourself and remain exercising comfortably.
We now have some exercise videos from Alex & Steve and from Jos & Steph. Please check they are appropriate for you before attempting them.

And here are the exercises ...

 Please click on the following links to view or download the exercise sheets:

If you've enjoyed these exercises why not try our Relaxation Recordings.

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