Hello All
We have recently received an email from the Primary Care Clinical Trials at the University of Oxford's Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences. The unit is part of the Primary Care and Vaccine Collaborative Clinical Trials Unit consortium.
They are inviting members of the public to take part in a nationwide clinical trial evaluating potential treatments for COVID-19 in older people and for those with underlying health conditions. The team are hoping to find medications to help those with symptoms to recover quickly and reduce the need for hospital admissions.
Participation is entirely voluntary. MKCCG do not endorse clinical trial participation as it is up to the individual to make an informed choice. It is up to you to decide whether to take part in the trial or not.
To take part, you need to be:
1. Experiencing symptoms that are likely to be caused by a COVID-19 infection, for fewer than 15 days
2. OR You have had a positive test for SARS-Co-V2 infection which was taken fewer than 15 days ago, AND are unwell with symptoms of COVID and you must have had them for fewer than 15 days.
3. You also need to be aged over 65 or 50 to 64, with at least one of the specified conditions listed on the participation information.
Please ensure that you read and understand the participation information thoroughly before committing to clinical trials. Please Click on the link below to learn more about this study.
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